
Uw zoekopdracht leverde 305 resultaten op.

Artikelnr. Omschrijving Merk Bruto Stock
L30250-U622-B743 Unify: OSBiz Cordless IP Integration Manager F31505-K158-D131 Unify 1.715,00 n.v.t.
L30250-U622-B750 OpenScape Business Regeneration Enabling Licence F31505-K158-D123 Unify 553,90 n.v.t.
L30250-U622-B760 OSBiz UC Entry User for systems with a base license with 5 year SSP Unify 153,20 n.v.t.
L30250-U622-B761 OpenScape Business X3/X5/X8 Gateway 1 Year Unify 331,60 n.v.t.
L30250-U622-B762 OpenScape Business Base incl. 1 years SW Support Unify 125,80 n.v.t.
L30251-C600-A79 CABLU for HiPath 3350/3550 with Unify 258,90
L30251-F600-A352 Connection cable optiPoint RJ11/RJ11 and optiset E and optiPoint 500 Workpoints Unify 3,60
L30251-U600-A147 Patch Panel 48x RJ45, 2-pin, without Unify 441,20
L30251-U600-A151 ISDN Connectiing Cable (RJ45/RJ45) Unify 5,90
L30251-U600-A170 Wall Mounting Kit for and Powerbox Unify 33,00
L30251-U600-A172 Rack-Mounting-Kit for OSBiz Unify 70,60
L30251-U600-A251 Open-End cable for OSBiz Unify 117,70
L30251-U600-A262 Surge protector set (10 piece) Unify 82,40
L30251-U600-A279 S2M Connecting Cable, 10m, For connecting S2M module to NT Unify 23,50
L30251-U600-A338 CABLU with SIVAPAC (16-pair, 3 m, Long stripper Unify 129,40
L30251-U600-A354 CABLU (16-pair, 3 m, separable), Unify 223,60
L30251-U600-A357 CABLU (24-pair, 3 m, inseparable), Unify 341,20
L30251-U600-A373 ALUM - Power Failure Transfer Relais Unify 135,30
L30251-U600-A422 EXMR - External Music Interface with Unify 147,10
L30251-U600-A425 CABLU with SIVAPAC (24-pair, 3 m, Long stripper Unify 158,80
L30251-U600-A426 REALS - 1st Power Failure Transfer Unify 141,20
L30251-U600-A439 24-Pair MDF Cable (SIVAPAC to open-end), Unify 123,50
L30251-U600-A444 DIUT2 / DIUN2 Connection Cable, 20m, for connecting S2M module to NT Unify 76,50
L30251-U600-A450 Patch-Panel Cable, 5m SIVAPAC to SIVAPA Unify 147,10
L30251-U600-A596 TLANI4 - Analog Trunk Module (4 ports) Unify 564,80
L30251-U600-A598 TMANI - Analog Trunk Module (8 ports) Unify 741,30
L30251-U600-A67 Cablu 1 SU - opening 16DA 10m Unify 76,50
L30251-U600-A677 TMANI - Analog Trunk Module without Metering (GEE) Unify 741,30
L30251-U600-A68 MDF Cable, 20m (16-pair, 1SU - open end) Unify 235,30
L30251-U600-A69 16-Pair Splitting Strip Unify 70,60

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