
Uw zoekopdracht leverde 438 resultaten op.

Artikelnr. Omschrijving Merk Bruto Stock
CMSL30010 1st Year CMS License and Software Assurance 10 handsets Spectralink 74,00
CMSL30025 1st Year CMS License and Software Assurance 25 handsets Spectralink 184,00
CMSL30250 CMS License and Software Assurance (First year) 250 handsets Spectralink 1.837,00
FPK8461165 AMIE Essentials for 8400 First 5 years - 1 device Spectralink 137,00 n.v.t.
FPK9561164 AMIE Essentials for Versity (first year) Spectralink 36,00 n.v.t.
FPK9561174 AMIE Essentials for Versity (renewal) Spectralink 36,00 n.v.t.
FPK9561175 AMIE Essentials for Versity (three year renewal) Spectralink 99,00 n.v.t.
FPK9562164 AMIE Advanced for Versity (first year) Spectralink 75,00 n.v.t.
FPK9562165 AMIE Advanced for Versity (first three years) Spectralink 189,00 n.v.t.
FPK9562174 AMIE Advanced for Versity (renewal) Spectralink 75,00 n.v.t.
FPK9562175 AMIE Advanced for Versity (three year renewal) Spectralink 189,00 n.v.t.
KBK844005 8440 Bundle, Extended Battery, Black, w/o Lync, AU, EU, NZ Spectralink 540,00
KBK844015 8440 Bundle, Extended Battery, Black, w/Lync, AU, EU, NZ Spectralink 565,00
KBK8440220 8440 Bundle, Std Battery, Black, w/Lync, AU, EU, NZ Spectralink 541,00
KBK9253100 92-Series 9253 (scanner) handset bundle contains Spectralink 850,00
KBK9553101 Versity Wi-Fi Scanner Smartphone Bundle Includes: Wi-Fi Scanner Smartphone + Lithium batt. Spectralink 1.610,00
KBK9653101 Spectralink Versity Bundle LTE Scanner Includes: Wi-Fi, LTE Smartphone + Lithium-ion batt Spectralink 1.858,00
KBL844005 8440 Bundle, Extended Battery, Blue, w/o Lync, AU, EU, NZ Spectralink 540,00
KBL844015 8440 Bundle, Extended Battery, Blue, w/Lync, AU, EU, NZ Spectralink 565,00
KBL8440210 8440 Bundle, Std Battery, Blue, w/o Lync, AU, EU, NZ Spectralink 518,00
KBL8440220 8440 Bundle, Std Battery, Blue, w/Lync, AU, EU, NZ Spectralink 540,00
MSDEMO1 IP-DECT MS Teams Integration DEMO kit Single Cell Spectralink 700,00
SMS710200 First year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 200 Spectralink 13,00
SMS710210 One-year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 200 renewal Spectralink 15,00
SMS710215 First Three-year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 200 Spectralink 28,00
SMS710220 Three-year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 200 Renewal Spectralink 32,00
SMS710400 First year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 400 Spectralink 21,00
SMS710410 One-year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 400 renewal Spectralink 26,00
SMS710415 First Three-year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 400 Spectralink 46,00
SMS710420 Three-year SpectraCare EMEA, IP-DECT Server 400 Renewal Spectralink 55,00

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Alle productinformatie geldt slechts ter aanduiding. Hieraan kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend.