
Uw zoekopdracht leverde 597 resultaten op.

Artikelnr. Omschrijving Merk Bruto Stock
PS-EXX-0100-PSM20E UCplus express for Mac (100 users) SA init. 2Y Software Assuranceinitial 2 year contract UCplus 132,00
PS-EXX-0100-PSX20E UCplus express (100 users) SA init. 2Y Software Assuranceinitial 2 year contract UCplus 132,00
PS-FED-0001-ASX10E UCplus Federation SA 1Yannual renewal (Required for every UCplus server requiring federa UCplus 109,80
PS-FED-0001-PSX20E UCplus Federation SA initial 2Y contract (Required for every UCplus server requiring feder UCplus 109,80
PS-FED-0001-PXX00E UCplus Federation (Required for every UCplus server requiring federation) UCplus 549,00
PS-FEX-0001-ASX10E UCplus Federation (Required for every UCplus server requiring federation) UCplus 109,80 n.v.t.
PS-FEX-0001-PSX20E UCplus Federation (Required for every UCplus server requiring federation) UCplus 109,80 n.v.t.
PS-GAT-0100-PXX00E UCplus Gateway (100 Users) UCplus 1.100,00
PS-GAT-0250-PXX00E UCplus Gateway (250 Users) UCplus 2.200,00
PS-GAT-0500-PXX00E UCplus Gateway (500 Users) UCplus 3.300,00
PS-GAX-0100-ASX10E UCplus Gateway SA ann. 1Y Software Assurance1 year annual renewal UCplus 220,00
PS-GAX-0100-PSX20E UCplus Gateway SA init. 2Y Software Assuranceinitial 2 year contract UCplus 220,00
PS-GAX-0250-ASX10E UCplus Gateway SA ann. 1Y Software Assurance1 year annual renewal UCplus 440,00
PS-GAX-0250-PSX20E UCplus Gateway SA init. 2Y Software Assuranceinitial 2 year contract UCplus 440,00
PS-GAX-0500-ASX10E UCplus Gateway SA ann. 1Y Software Assurance1 year annual renewal UCplus 660,00
PS-GAX-0500-PSX20E UCplus Gateway SA init. 2Y Software Assuranceinitial 2 year contract UCplus 660,00
PS-MAN-0001-PMT00E Webinar Training UCplus 275,00 n.v.t.
PS-MAN-0001-PRA10E Remote Installation for ucplus server and "Standard / Controlled" appl UCplus 450,00 n.v.t.
PS-MAN-0001-PRA20E Remote Installation UCplus 150,00 n.v.t.
PS-MAN-0001-PRI0ME Remote UCplus MT server set up UCplus 800,00 n.v.t.
PS-MAN-0001-PRIA0E Remote Installation UCplus 400,00 n.v.t.
PS-MAN-0001-PRM00E Remote Installation UCplus 300,00 n.v.t.
PS-MAN-0001-PRO00E Remote Installation UCplus 350,00 n.v.t.
PS-MAN-0001-PRU00E Remote Software Upgrade UCplus 150,00 n.v.t.
PS-MIT-0001-PXX00E Mitel MSA Partner.Royalty Payment for MITAI connection to Mitel MCD / 3300 (per instance) UCplus 440,00 n.v.t.
PS-MOB-0001-ASX10E UCplus Mobile (1 user) SA ann. 1Y Software Assurance1 year annual renewal UCplus 9,80
PS-MOB-0001-PSX20E UCplus Mobile (1 user) SA init. 2Y Software Assuranceinitial 2 year contract UCplus 9,80
PS-MOB-0001-PXX00E UCplus Mobile (1 user) UCplus 49,00
PS-MOB-0005-ASX10E UCplus Mobile (5 user) SA ann. 1Y Software Assurance1 year annual renewal UCplus 45,00
PS-MOB-0005-PSX20E UCplus Mobile (5 user) SA init. 2Y Software Assuranceinitial 2 year contract UCplus 45,00

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