
Uw zoekopdracht leverde 280 resultaten op.

Artikelnr. Omschrijving Merk Bruto advies Stock
DH8-ACAB Ascom d83 Protector EX Ascom 1.661,24
72683000 S35 DECT Handset, with Li-ion battery installed. Spectralink 410,00
3BN07004AA 8212 DECT Handset, contains battery, Des Incl, Power Supply Europe 3BN67335AA Alcatel-Lucent 86,00
EU917102 I766Ex DECT Handset NEC 796,51
DH7-ABAB Ascom d63 Messenger, White Ascom 352,58
S30852-H2870-R101 Gigaset A690HX black Gigaset 29,75
L36852-H2836-M211 Gigaset AS690A TRIO Gigaset 78,50
80-H2C9-15-00-00 SIP CTM-S2415HC HC SET MB Vtech 76,00
72684000 S37 DECT Handset, with Li-ion battery installed Spectralink 610,00
TH-43EQ2W 43" 4K ADS/D-LED Display 18/7 SDM slot, Mouse Annotation function, USB Signal T Panasonic 860,00
SVB-BAS-010 Spectralink Versity Basic Bundle without Network Assessment (First 50 Devices) Spectralink 9.828,00
S30852-H3021-M204 Gigaset Comfort 550A Gigaset 66,11
S30852-H2862-R101 Gigaset CL660HX Gigaset 57,84
S30852-H2816-M201 Gigaset AS690 Gigaset 37,18
S30852-H2812-M201 Gigaset A270 Gigaset 34,99
S30852-H2701-R113 Premium 300 IM Gigaset 99,17
Measurement-Kit Yealink Multi-cell Measurement-Kit Yealink 750,00
L30250-F600-C517 OpenScape DECT Phone S6 Professional beltclip Unify 28,20
4870-01185-007 Travel and Expense SKU for Onsite Wi-Fi Services - Fixed Rate Spectralink 720,00
14233231 Advanced Feature Bundle VIP-DECT - Server One Spectralink 1.392,00
W74P Yealink W74P Yealink 158,95
W71P Yealink W71P Yealink 120,06
W71H Yealink W71H Yealink 76,95
W53CASE Yealink W53H Protect Case Yealink 22,95
TH-98SQE2W 98" 4K IPS/D-LED Display 24/7 SDM slot, 4K D-link, 4K USB Media Player Panasonic 8.965,00
TH-86EQ2W 86" 4K ADS/D-LED Display 18/7 SDM slot, Mouse Annotation function, USB Signal T Panasonic 5.395,00
TH-75EQ2W 75" 4K ADS/D-LED Display 18/7 SDM slot, Mouse Annotation function, USB Signal T Panasonic 3.230,00
TH-65EQ2W 65" 4K ADS/D-LED Display 18/7 SDM slot, Mouse Annotation function, USB Signal T Panasonic 1.699,00
TH-55EQ2W 55" 4K ADS/D-LED Display 18/7 SDM slot, Mouse Annotation function, USB Signal T Panasonic 1.116,00
TH-50EQ2W 50" 4K VA/D-LED Display 18/7 SDM slot, Mouse Annotation function, USB Signal T Panasonic 930,00

Prijzen zijn bruto adviesprijzen voor eindgebruikers, exclusief BTW.
Alle productinformatie geldt slechts ter aanduiding. Hieraan kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend.