
Uw zoekopdracht leverde 350 resultaten op.

Artikelnr. Omschrijving Merk Bruto Stock
2509500 Power supply for 77-Series Charger Rack Spectralink 87,00
3BN67334AA 8232 DECT Handset swivel clip replaces the original belt clip Alcatel-Lucent 17,00
3BN67344AA 8242 DECT Handset Horizontal pouch Alcatel-Lucent 36,00
3BN67359AA 8232 Handset silicone protection case cover, black color, delivered with swivel Alcatel-Lucent 38,00
4602422 DECT directional antennas Mitel 245,00
50006900 Mitel 5614/34 Security/Swivel Clip Mitel 15,50
50006902 5613 Carrying case Mitel 43,00
50006948 SMBC Controller Power Supply 65W Mitel 37,50
50006977 RFP 4x Cover Charcoal 10 pack (150mm) Mitel 89,00
50006979 RFP 48 Cover Charcoal 10 pack (175mm) Mitel 89,00
50006981 RFP 4x Ext. Antenna installation kit Mitel 105,00
50008393 Mitel 712dt/722dt - Clip Blind Plate Mitel 9,35
51015423 Mitel 5613/14/24/03/04/34 Charger(not EU Mitel 43,00
51015430 Mitel 5604/24 Battery Pack Charger (Glob Mitel 455,00
51015956 MITEL 5603 SECURITY SWIVEL CLIP Mitel 14,50
51300486 Basestation Outdoor Housing v2 Mitel 435,00
51301125 Mitel 5603/04/07/DT4x3 Programmer - EU Mitel 195,00
51301133 Mitel 5607/DT4x3 Headset Adapter Mitel 60,50
51301140 WSM3/CPDM3 Mounting Kit for 19inch front Mitel 52,50
51308032 IR Dongle STB LG 5500 Mitel 49,00
51309935 RFP14 Repeater Universal AC Mitel 270,00
51310648 PoLRE 48 PORT managed POE switch Mitel 3.450,00
51310649 PoLRE DONGLE II - 6 PACK Mitel 505,00
51310679 Mitel 742d - Battery Pack Mitel 100,00
51310686 Mitel 712dt/722dt - Carrying Case Mitel 62,50
51310688 Mitel 712dt/722dt - Battery Pack Mitel 30,00
51310691 Mitel 712dt/722dt - Basic Clip Mitel 3,75
51311034 Mitel 5617/19 Desktop Charger AUS/UK/US Mitel 60,00
51311036 Mitel 5617 Standard Battery Mitel 110,00
51311037 Mitel 5619 EX Battery Mitel 150,00

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