
Uw zoekopdracht leverde 724 resultaten op.

Artikelnr. Omschrijving Merk Bruto Stock
EU910092 BCT Web Callback LIC NEC 3.200,29 n.v.t.
EU910093 UC Connector LIC NEC 73,50 n.v.t.
EU910096 BCT Post Call Survey LIC NEC 6.400,58 n.v.t.
EU910100 UC Connector x 100 LIC NEC 5.880,00 n.v.t.
EU910101 UC Connector x 500 LIC NEC 24.150,00 n.v.t.
EU910102 UC Connector x 1000 LIC NEC 36.750,00 n.v.t.
EU910103 BCT ExpressCluster LIC NEC 82,98 n.v.t.
EU910114 BCT Co-Browsing conc user LIC NEC 5.689,40 n.v.t.
EU910115 BCT Co-Browsing Trial LIC NEC 355,59 n.v.t.
EU911098-M TextMsg to16 devices MIGLIC NEC 1.000,00 n.v.t.
EU911099-M TextMsg to 32 devices MIGLIC NEC 1.250,00 n.v.t.
EU911100 TextMsg to 64 devices LIC NEC 1.750,00 n.v.t.
EU911101 TextMsg to 128 devices LIC NEC 3.500,00 n.v.t.
EU911101-M TextMsg to 128 devices MIG LIC NEC 3.500,00 n.v.t.
EU911102 TextMsg to 256 devices LIC NEC 4.250,00 n.v.t.
EU911102-M TextMsg to 256 devices MIG LIC NEC 4.250,00 n.v.t.
EU911103 TextMsg to 512 devices LIC NEC 5.000,00 n.v.t.
EU911103-M TextMsg to 512 devices MIG LIC NEC 5.000,00 n.v.t.
EU911104 TextMsg to 1024 devices LIC NEC 5.750,00 n.v.t.
EU911104-M TextMsg to 1024 devices MIG LIC NEC 5.750,00 n.v.t.
EU911117 NV RemoteInstallSupportUnit NEC 20,00 n.v.t.
EU911121 NV SWUpgr<15 NEC 20,00
EU911122 NV SWUpgr<30 NEC 35,00
EU911123 NV SWUpgr<45 NEC 45,00
EU911149 TextMsg to 2048 devices LIC NEC 6.500,00 n.v.t.
EU911149-M TextMsg to 2048 devices MIG LIC NEC 6.500,00 n.v.t.
EU911150 TextMsg to 4096 devices LIC NEC 7.250,00 n.v.t.
EU911150-M TextMsg to 4096 devices MIG LIC NEC 7.250,00 n.v.t.
EU917000 IPDECT Upgrade Allowance 10 AP LIC NEC 922,84 n.v.t.
EU917001 IPDECT Upgrade Allowance 50 AP LIC NEC 3.691,34 n.v.t.

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